Sunday, February 28, 2010


Way up high on this pole is a woodpecker. He tried for most of the day to peck a hole in that pole. Funny how he doesn't see the soft pine trees so near to him. I am like that pecker. Stubborn, hard headed and determined to do it my way.


Favorite place to be on a rainy day...surrounded by fabric, thread and creativity. I enjoyed the day...didn't realize until just now that I was missing the chili cook off at I'm sad.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Retail Therapy

We went out looking for fun stuff...We found it...I had a great time tonight shopping for clothes with my friend Tammy. She shopped for under things...I was shopping for wedding clothes. We had coupons and saved a third of our total bill. RevRoo, you and me still need to go and give this shopping thing a whirl. I'm starting to like it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cumulus days

When I was a kid I loved days like this where the sky was blue and full of puffy clouds. I would lay on my back and stare at the shapes. Watching them change as the breeze blew them into recognizable forms. Today was one of those days. However, I did not recline, but let my mind fall back to simpler times.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Waiting for the

Doctor is not easy.

Anxiety is high.

Praying for calmness and understanding.

Winner! My doctor is a great man. He always puts me at ease. I feel like we are a team that works well together.

New meds. New plan for monitoring.

I can do this.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It's "Amish"
it's small
it's pretend
it's the only thing keeping me warm right now. The house is not cold enough to warrant lighting the fire in the real fireplace so for now we are keeping warm by means of electricity...
we want for nothing

Monday, February 22, 2010


Blood drawn, for A1c. The A1c is a test to see how your blood sugars are over a 3 month period of time. No talking my way out of this...I have an appointment on Wednesday with the Doc. Anxiety is high knowing it will not be a good visit. The optimum level is 7% or lower. I was at I am at to be me.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


A daily reminder, hanging in my truck for me to see. It reminds me that there is always HOPE. Hope for a new day, a new beginning, a second chance. Hope is a word that connects Amy and me. Every time I see it, I think of her. She is the new beginning. She is proof that maybe I did something right in my life. I take a breath and Hope for better choices.

I had a Chihuahua day today. Napped on the couch with the dogs. Watched the car race with my eyes closed. My favorite guy did well. A top 10 finish is always good in my book. I guess we can look at life like a car race.

Do your best, work as a team, take the blame, Hope you do
better next time.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Havoc's special ring holder

I worked in my craft room today on the "ring bag" for Havoc the ring dog. It took me two attempts to get it right. I did not use a pattern, just started cutting and sewing. The first one was way to small, but this one should do fine. It measures 5"x8" with a black satin cord and silver 4 leaf clover charm. On a rainy Saturday afternoon I enjoyed the quietness of the back room of the house, letting my mind wonder to far away places with green rolling hills and spring flowers in bloom. It's going to be a grand day...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Home again

Home again from work...
crazy short week. The outside
temperature went from 81-65,
the 1st graders were wound up because it was fairy tale character day. Costumes, speeches and a movie. One kid moved away from my special needs class, so there were tears from the grown-ups and we get a new one on Monday. I played nurse in room 6 and was out of room 20. Different lunch time, different lunch buddies...And when I get home, I got a wedding invitation cool.

The Tam Van

I follow this van home most days of the work week. It belongs to my friend and co-worker Tammy. She lives so close to my house that when I turn left on my street she turns right on hers.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Short Bus

Some days this is how I spell relief...
B U S.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pre occupied with sadness for someone I do not know

While walking through the halls at work today...(all out doors), I heard many sirens. I saw the helicopter circling around in the air above our school. By noon we get an email from the D. O. (district office), that a mom from one of our elementary schools was hit and killed while jogging with her husband and dogs today. She crossed a busy street and did not hear her husband yelling or see the car that hit her. They have 2 children, a second grader and a fifth grader. So terribly sad on all sides. How do you go to school as a 7 year old and when your day is over you find out you no longer have a mom. This story has been haunting me all day. How do you live knowing you ended someones life while following all of the rules. I pray for both families and the first responders. Only by His grace...

Late night Olympics

It's past 4 in the morning...failed to post anything before now...couldn't sleep until I posted something. A new week begins, with new goals, new troubles, new worries, new strategies.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tired with a Grin

I have been with Amy 2 weekends in a row. It has been wonderful. She has a calmness about her. She can set the mood real quick with her attitude. She has been kind and patient and loving towards me, her grandparents and all who have had suggestions, hints, and warnings for her big day. Her Aunt Kelly and Grammy and I put all of our craftiness into this shower. We had many laughs, and will have many stories to tell about this fun, fun day. When we went to bed last night the 3 younger girls were all in one room. We giggled until way past midnight, then up by 6:30 this morning. I am tired with a giant grin on my face. It was a very special day, with guest coming from all over the county. I felt the love today. Thank you everyone for your effort, attendance and friendship.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Strawberry Jelly

The home made strawberry jelly is all tied up with the thank yous. Lots of giggles tonight. 3 generations of crafters extradinare.

Peek a Boo

In the lounge at work we get the opportunity to buy books. This one caught my eye because of the farm animals. Having met my soon to be grand-dog, Havoc, I have can spot a Border Collie a mile away...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Party in the Hen House...

I am sure everyone is getting tired of the "little details" of the shower...blah blah blah. Right now it is most forward on my mind. Hoping to do a wonderful imitation of Martha Stewart on her best day in the craft room is my goal. I keep praying that everything will fall into place and be special for Amy. Most of us only do this once, and besides...I'm having a great time crafting and cooking and sewing. Oh so soon it will all be in the past and we will be on to new things to gab about. At the last shower I commented to my brother-in-law, who was the only male there except for a small child, that "he should get out quick, there are far too many hens in this house." He agreed and went outside to watch the super bowl on his patio. So here is to the last "hen party" for Amy before she is married. Have a cluck, cluck, cluckin' good time...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dad's boots

When I got home today from the grocery store, I asked my husband to help unload the groceries. He was happy to do so and got right up, walked across the hard woods to the door and while he was approaching me I heard a strange sound. He was wearing his "cowboy" boots from 20 years ago. The clunking was a wonderful sound as I hadn't heard it for a long while now. He is getting used to wearing the boots so he will be sure footed while he walks his only daughter down the isle in just a few short weeks. He has also ordered a duster for his jacket and tonight he bought a hat. A cowboy hat. I love how he is going all out for Amy and the theme for her wedding. He is such a good man when given the opportunity to show us how much he cares.

Pain, pain...go away

Man oh man...don't know if it's stress, sleeping wrong or too much driving, but pain is my middle name these days...I am now 2 for 2 on late posts...this too shall pass I am sure.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Heading South, with one last look at the ranch...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Shower for Boots (aka Amy Lynn)

Awesome shower today.

Cowboy boots were everywhere.

The food was yummo.

Erica and Aunt Julie did a beautiful job.

Amy is blessed to have them in her life.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birthday Boots

Amy's birthday has come and gone and we never did find her the exercise shoes she wanted. Today we went tootin' around Clovis, picking up final touches for the wedding. We,(my mom and I), have been keeping within our daily points and still enjoying eating out. Tomorrow is the order to eat some cake with no guilt, we are walking a mile or two in the morning.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Heading to Fresno

It's a gloomy day to be driving very far, but that's what I'm about to do. Heading North to Fresno to see my girl.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

To say a prayer

Tonight I helped tie a prayer quilt with a few ladies from church. They sewed the quilt top, then we stretched it and tied it at the corner of every square. Over 900 prayers were said for one person with this quilt. It was a very moving experience. Made me all warm and squishy inside.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Log

I was asked by my teacher to bring in a log for "L" week. We passed it around so the kiddos could feel a real log...One never knows what someone else has experienced in life. Not many of these 5 year olds had touched a log before...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ties for the thank yous

It's all about the little details of the upcoming shower. Blues of all kinds, paisleys, checks. It is a group effort to pull this party off. 11 days and counting...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tractor on a trailer

As I was driving in the early morning sun, on a crisp February day, I pulled up behind a rusty old green tractor. I felt an uncontrollable smile creep up on my face. I snapped a quick picture from behind and then as we drove in the same direction, I tried to get another from the side. As we jockeyed back and forth towards the next traffic light, I kept my phone on my lap and tried to be as cool as I could. In my most stealth mode, I snapped another photo. My biggest fear at this point was to NOT get in a car wreck. The driver of the other car eventually turned down a road I was not going and away my happy tractor went. I reflected on the happy mood I was now in and pondered why an old tractor on a trailer would bring me joy. Was it because I feel as old as it looked? Was it confirmation that rural living is where I fit in? I believe it's a bit of both...