I have been with Amy 2 weekends in a row. It has been wonderful. She has a calmness about her. She can set the mood real quick with her attitude. She has been kind and patient and loving towards me, her grandparents and all who have had suggestions, hints, and warnings for her big day. Her Aunt Kelly and Grammy and I put all of our craftiness into this shower. We had many laughs, and will have many stories to tell about this fun, fun day. When we went to bed last night the 3 younger girls were all in one room. We giggled until way past midnight, then up by 6:30 this morning. I am tired with a giant grin on my face. It was a very special day, with guest coming from all over the county. I felt the love today. Thank you everyone for your effort, attendance and friendship.
My Potted Clivia Miniata
14 hours ago
These are the kind of moments that give your children forvever memories.