Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Stairs

These are the steps that I stared at for what seemed like hours the day I was told I have diabetes. I remember that day every time I leave the doctors office. I had to wait for my prescriptions and I couldn't sit and look at the wall where the names flashed off and on in alphabetical order. Thinking, the next time I look up, I will see my name squeezed in where it hadn't been before. I walked outside and paced back and forth trying to understand what the doctor had just told me. I was coming undone more and more as the clock ticked on. I didn't want to call my mom and worry her. I called my boss (Mrs. NASCAR) at the time. She was a familiar voice and calmed me down before I unraveled completely, right there in public view. Now every time I see these stairs, I think of her, and that day, and think, this is your reality.

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