Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blue Ribbon Dylan

Went to the fair today. Seeing all of the kids with their whites on and the fresh shavings. Hearing the animals brought back so many memories. I was to meet up with a friend and visit. She said she would have her phone on her but she left it in the car. It felt like one more person in my life that didn't care. She felt bad and apologized and gave me a hug, but I still felt alone.
The boy in this picture is Dylan. Amy used to take lessons from his mom with her horses. Dylan was in diapers back then.
Just goes to show you, life goes on. We have a choice to be a part of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pammers ... I wanted to go to this, Debbie Simmons' Timmy was there showing a pig too...that would have been fun to go, I've never been to anything like this. Rev Roo
