Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dad's boots

When I got home today from the grocery store, I asked my husband to help unload the groceries. He was happy to do so and got right up, walked across the hard woods to the door and while he was approaching me I heard a strange sound. He was wearing his "cowboy" boots from 20 years ago. The clunking was a wonderful sound as I hadn't heard it for a long while now. He is getting used to wearing the boots so he will be sure footed while he walks his only daughter down the isle in just a few short weeks. He has also ordered a duster for his jacket and tonight he bought a hat. A cowboy hat. I love how he is going all out for Amy and the theme for her wedding. He is such a good man when given the opportunity to show us how much he cares.


  1. Ahh...that is really sweet! Does he know it's posted for the world to read? What an exciting time in your family! Rev Roo

  2. What a great post! Did you read to him what you wrote?
