Sunday, January 10, 2010

No other choice

There is no other choice. I wont give up my control on the weekly food shopping. I must trek to the grocery store at least every 6 days. I try to stretch it out, but it never works. Maybe I should be grateful I don't have to go every day, or have to rely on my gardening and animal husbandry skills. I try and park in the same spot each time. It helps me get into a comfortable mind set. I try to get creative, with new foods, but it comes down to mind numbing, robotic food choosing. Everyone is in their own world, with their own pressures, trudging along, not making eye contact with the other strangers who are close enough if they whispered a "hello," you could hear them.

1 comment:

  1. Grocery shopping can be an interesting experience! Keep up the great work in food selections! - KB
